School Supplies

For the 2024/25 school year, we are trying something new. Ms. Amanda has worked hard to get great school deals on supplies, so we can bulk order all that the teachers need. That means you don’t need to purchase anything for your kids for September except indoor shoes (and the usual jackets, rain boots, etc.). Ordering supplies will be done through SchoolCash Online.

The cost for primary students (K-3) is $XX.XX after tax, and that includes: 

  • Headphones are needed, but purchasing through the school is optional (if you have your own you’d like to bring) 

The cost for intermediate students (grades 4 and 5) is $XX.XX after tax, and that includes: 

  • Headphones are needed, but purchasing through the school is optional (if you have your own you’d like to bring) 




Please Note:

  • September Kindergarten students cannot order supplies until the end of August through SchoolCash once the rollover happens.
  • Individual teachers may require other specific items in September.
  • Some students in Gr. 2-5 use a school agenda - these will be available to purchase in September through SchoolCash Online.